Our Investment Approach

Lava Creek Capital Management is a value-oriented investment firm. We continually assess how sentiment and investor behavior affects valuations within the capital markets. Expectations based on forward extrapolation of current conditions can potentially lead to mispriced securities that can persist for extended time periods. As a result, excessive levels of either optimism or pessimism can coincide with inflection points (when catalysts occur) in security price trends over multi-year cycles. Within this framework of observations, we screen for undervalued small to mid-cap investment opportunities based on our own research, analysis and long-term perspective.

In our experience, most investors tend to disregard value in exchange for a shorter-term focus on price momentum and propensity to over pay for unsustainable growth expectations. We prefer to avoid the crowd and focus on longer-term value-oriented investments that typically require a greater degree of due diligence and discipline, but with potentially better risk-adjusted returns over time.

In addition to our value investing strategy, we also place value on:

Our Client Relationships - They represent the foundation of our business.

Trust - We know it is earned and do not take it for granted.

Doing Our Own Research - Our criteria is specific and highly selective.

Our firm adheres to the CFA Institute Asset Manager Code of Professional Conduct and compiles composite performance results in accordance with GIPS reporting standards*

* These claims have not been verified by CFA Institute.


We differentiate with our focused research, long term perspective & passion for value investing.